This Is A Light-Weight And Fast-Develop .Net Framework.
STEP 1 Create Your Entities
public class DemoEntity : BaseEntity{ public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Phone { get; set; } public string Nric { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } public float Height { get; set; } public int? Sex { get; set; }}
STEP 2 Create The Mapper
Put this Mappers into the Mapper Directory which In Entity Project.
public class DemoEnityMapper : BaseMap{ public override void Init() { ToTable("DemoEntity"); HasKey(m => m.Id); } }
STEP 3 Create The Resposity
public class DemoResp : BaseRep{}
STEP 4 Create The Service
public class DemoSvc : BaseSvc{ DemoResp dr = new DemoResp(); public int AddEntity(DemoEntity obj) { return Add(obj); }}
STEP 5 So,We Test
Now We Just Config This:
And This:
public void TestMethod1(){ var svc = new DemoSvc(); var obj = new DemoEntity { Name = "jerry", Nric = "32148461641649616", Phone = "189615645", Age = 1111, Height = 234, Sex = 1, Remark = "这是一个备注", }; var res = svc.AddEntity(obj);}